Wednesday, November 01, 2006


One night not to long ago some friends and I were at the Pearsons home enjoying one another’s company when I was suddenly hit with a great need to draw. This drawing I wished to not do alone some I asked if anyone wanted to draw with me. The "Triple Draw" that you see before you is where three people draw one picture without knowing what the other person before you drew. First you fold the paper into thirds. The first person draws a head of some sort leaving the neck connection lines onto the middle section of the paper so the other person cant see it. Then the middle leaving marks for the legs and finally the legs to complete the drawing. Once the drawing is finished you all get together to see you masterpiece where much laughter will occur.

By: Sharisa Bly, Mo Fritz and Ruel Brown


Blogger JJ said...

This is great, Ruel! We need to do some of these next time you are over. ^_^

11/02/2006 04:46:00 PM  
Blogger Cache said...

yeah, this is a fun idea.

11/03/2006 06:19:00 PM  
Blogger Mike Kelly said...

the surrealists called this an exquisite corpse, they did this to create an image that one imagination alone could not. they were all about tapping the unconscious and what not. you know, most contemporary, illustration based art (vitamin p and all that type of bullshit) is all just punk rock surrealism.

11/07/2006 08:09:00 PM  

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